About Us

Street Children International (SCI) is registered in New York as a secular, non-profit children's charitable organization. We have grown with members from across the US and India. The sources of our funds are our annual member contributions. Read More

We urgently appeal to all our friends, donors to donate generously and help us help more children in need.

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Notice Board

37th Annual Fundraising Event - Sept 22, 2024

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An Invitation to Join Us…

Help us turn a mindless street child into a literate young adult with a future. Let’s train a beggar girl to earn a living.

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Mission & Vision

Street Children International aims to provide education, food, lodging and marketable skills, as necessary, to disadvantaged children within and outside of the USA, irrespective of race, religion, nationality, sex, color or creed, in partnership with other recognized not-for-profit organizations, to facilitate the transition of such children from debilitating poverty to economic growth and upward mobility.

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Collaborated with a larger institution, the Ramakrishna Vivekananda Institute in Barrackpore, 18 miles to the north of Calcutta proved successful.

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SCI decided to join forces with the RV Institute and now funds the operation of six schools serving about 300 children.

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SCI members bring in suggestions, ideas and information on other programs that SCI could initiate or join. For instance, SCI has contributed funds towards the building of a school for tribal children.

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Our Current Projects

SCI has been providing financial support to the following organizations :